America is known as "the land of the free" and as Americans we take pride in that. But sometimes as a Christian I take this for granted. I forget that I can pray in public and share our Saviour with complete strangers.
In over 17 countries around the world, if you are found out to be a Christian you are shunned from your family or even put to death. If found to be a Christian in Vietnam, you will be arrested and thrown in prison.
So many Christians in other countries are being persecuted for living out their faith. Yet here in America (land of the free), we are afraid to pray with a friend in public or raise our hands in CHURCH. We are afraid to openly worship the Lord. We worry what others will think and we take for granted that we can praise God anytime, anywhere we want.
I am not saying that because I live in America I have not been persecuted. When I became a Christian I lost friends and even family members have mocked me because of my faith. If you sell out for Jesus, you will be persecuted in this world. But think on the things in Heaven.
Don't you think Jesus Christ is worthy of our praise, whether at home or at work? Use your rights, don't let them go to waste. Pray in McDonald's before you chow down on your Big Mac, share what God has been doing in your life with a co-worker. Shout God's glory, and mercy, and grace from mountain tops! HE IS WORTH IT!!!!
The first service in the church we built in Brazil during summer 2012. Many were saved!
I want to challenge you, first to pray for all the missionaries Christ has called over seas and the awesome work He is doing through them. Second, to live a radical life for Christ and to allow Him transform you and use you. Let everyone that come in to contact with you see God's love and goodness.
"Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.... All the Earth shall worship You and sing praises to You; they shall sing praises to Your name."Psalm 66:1-2; 4