Monday, February 18, 2013

If you don't use it, you lose it.

"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them."
Romans 12:6a

God has given ALL of us unique gifts. Maybe you can sing, or have a deep desire to serve others, or maybe you give the best advice. Whatever your gift may be, it was given to you from God. 

Guess what God gave you that gift for?

No not so you can be rich and famous someday. Not so everyone in America will know your name. Not so you can become the next Mother Teresa. 

God has given us our gifts to GLORIFY HIM. Not ourselves, not our parents or our coach. But the one, true God who will never, ever fail us

I just wanted to encourage all you ladies and dudes out there to use your gifts properly. And the only proper way is for God's glory. I also want to encourage you to step out in faith if you simply have not been using your gift at all. Maybe your embarrassed or think you really are not that great. Go pray about it and ask someone you trust to help and support you in the gift God has given you.

Brothers and sisters please do not waste the gifts God has given us. He has HUGE plans for each of us, and I can assure you we do not want to miss out on His mighty plan for our lives. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Are You a Slave?

I believe we all have had or still have that one sin that drags us down and beats us to pulp. We let it control our lives, how we think and act. We let addictions to pornography, gossip, and alcohol dictate how much time we spend with Jesus. We know what we are doing is wrong but for some reason our sin has a hold on us. We have become slaves to that sin.

I have GREAT news for you, check this out!:
"Sin is NO LONGER YOUR MASTER, for you no longer live under requirements of the law. Instead, you live in the freedom of God's grace."
Romans 6:14(NLT)  
As a Christian, a Christ follower, SIN is no longer your MASTER! This is good stuff! Sin can no longer control what you think, what you eat, where you go, what you look at, or who you hang out with. Sin has no hold over you!
Now, brother/sister, Jesus is our Master. He has bore all our dirty sin and nailed it to the cross. This should get you pumped! We are freed from our sin and now slaves to Jesus, the greatest master, the Kings of kings!
Even though we are sinners and totally do not deserve it, God gave us His gift of grace to live in. So lets not be slaves to our sin. Look to the Word to bring you out of your temptation and bask in God's grace daily!
What are you struggling with as a Christian? Have you realized Jesus freed you from that? Go to Him in prayer and ask forgiveness. Then memorize scriptures that will help you to overcome the next time you are tempted. BASK IN HIS GRACE, AND MERCY, AND LOVE!