Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Is Social Media the Best Place to Vent?

     We live in the age of social media. Everyone keeps connected online, you don't have to be with someone to know who they are with or what they are eating. Everyone documents EVERYTHING on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, or Vine.

     Lately, I have noticed a trend on all social media sites. On twitter friends "subtweet" negative things about one another. And many people mistake Facebook for their personal diary, writing statuses about all the drama and people they don't like in their life. Gossip and bitterness between others has soared to a new level since smart phones and tablets became so available. Lets see what the Bible has to say about all this talking.

"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."
Proverbs 18:21

     Have you ever heard the saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."? I used to scream that at the kids who picked on me on the playground in elementary school. The truth is that words are very hurtful. My tongue can bring more harm to others than my hands or feet. As believers, when we use social media to vent we do bring death (harm) to those who may take offense in what we say. I may think no one is really reading what I post on Facebook, but anyone can see it and it can not only hurt their feelings but can hurt my witness to that person as a Christ follower. 

     When we turn to social media to argue or hint that we are mad at someone who is our friend on that site, we are bringing death into someones life again. In Matthew 18:15-17 it tells us how to handle situations where another person has sinned against us. If Betty Sue upsets me, I am not to go on Twitter and "subtweet" her to death stirring up more drama. Biblically, I am to go to Betty Sue alone, and when I am calm, to say how I feel and settle things. Jesus was not a coward, and as His followers we are not to be cowards. If you have a "dispute" with another believer I encourage you to not turn to gossip online, but settle it face to face.

     Lastly, Ephesians 4:29 says "Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."  So, if you have nothing uplifting to say to one another in person or on social media, say nothing at all. I challenge you to let go of the negative words today and only say those things that are helpful and encouraging. Jesus died and rose again for YOU, how can you not be positive?

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